Saatchi was the man behind the YBA, Young British Artist. Today they are no longer young so new frontiers must be discovered.
vYBA, very Young British Artists is the new buss. Artists preferably under the age of 10.
Untainted from the world they have a unique perspective that has the potential to thrill and create new spectacles.
The “common man” has often said that my 5 year daughter could make better art than that blob of paint hanging at the Tate and now she can. This is the crust of what I want to talk about. One common misconception of art.
Yes children can make grate art, anyone can if they put their mind to it. Artists don’t necessarily have grate talent and everyone has different reasons for why they do it. But I will say this:
“For many artists making art is about discovery, looking for new perspectives, ideas and experiences. They might know a verity of formulas for creating successful work, but following those recipes can not take us anywhere new, it only recycles. Instead the artists wish to brake the rules in their quest for grate art. It might be a simple reed dot on a large canvas or a urinal in a gallery, your 5 year old daughter can certainly do it, but the artist has a developed reason for it”
Let’s twist the coin. Imagine your 5 year old daughter flogging of dozens of artworks. She does not have any reason for what she does, she just dose it. Then you show it to several critics and they see a long list of conceptual ideas and can write page up and page down about your daughter’s work.
This does not make the work better or worse. Nor does it suggest the critics have ben dubbed.
Think of art as a child that takes on its own life. The parents might be idiots, but the child is not defined by them and against al odds she grows up to become a brain surgeon. Of corse it helps if the parents are good, but it is not a determining factor.
The beauty of art is its fluidity and the constant flux it is within. The day art solidifies will be of great morning.
Other vYBA’s:
Kieron Williamson 7 years old
Freddie Linsky 2 years old
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