My first single is soon to be relised

Two friends (who wish to remain anonymous) and I have created a new metal band. We have just recorded our first single and it will be in stores nation wide very soon….

With no further adue I give you MARRIED IN HELL’s first album cover and lyrics:

(Cover by Rikard Österlund)

Song: Married in Hell

Text: Bjørn Venø

Melody: none

We are gay

and married in hell

our souls will rise
from the ashes of dust

bones infused with hate and loathing

(extreme drum solo)


your degenerate society shall crumble

under the weight of our darkness

We shall rape and pillage

twist and subvert

until all that remains is

nazi whores

leather gimps


necrophilic virgins

we shall free your pitiful souls

from the chains of all that is good

We are married in hell

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