Fantasy stories tend to be boringly virtues. A tradition I believe stems from Tolkien who as far as I can rember did not even have kissing in his stories. My question has long been where are the fantasy stories that include more adult themes? I have read a good portion and the closest I came was a gay wizard in Trudi Canavans “The Black Magician trilogy” until recently that is.
“Astra and Flondrix” by Seamus Cullen has Elf orgies, animals humping, bestiality and Dwarfs with screw cocks, plus it is a decent and humerus story. Sadly this book is a bit of an oddity and hard to come buy. I found my copy at
I’m reading Astra & Flondrix at present and am about 1/3 way through. It is like Harrry Potter meets Lady Chatterly on acid ! Good for a larf though ! I love the bestiality scenes – you don’t often cum across sumfink like this !