My Fathers cooking
I’m talking to a girl… she asks me if I would go out dancing al night… I say yes. Ah cool she replays. Then she asks if I’m going to Venice where...

There is something I want to tell Annabel…
There is something I want to tell Annabel… I look in to her eyes and smile. My mouth stays closed, I turn my back on her and walk to the door, I...

Freedom from one self
(Picture by Bjørn Venø) I’m sitting on a bench in a world that I do not belong in. people walk past me but I do not recognise them, they are alien to...

Realisation of death
(picture by Bjørn Venø) I remember thinking about the concept of dying at an early age. The thought came whilst I was strapped to a reed car with black leather seats. A...

Death of Innocence
The clearest stage of a metamorphism from one “person” to another in our human lives is when we go from child to adult. As children we do not want to grow up,...

An opinion on Art
Yes I agree with those who have said art is subjective…. but it is also an easy escape to the answer…. (not that I have a better alternative) I want to give...