Exhebition: The Public are Not Invited
I’m in a group exhibition with some of the PXsnatch videos.”The public are not invited” in Nottingham. Opening Night 26th november 6.00pm 9.0pm at The Nottignham workshop Exhibition open until 4th December...

Student Protest 2010
Education should NOT be limited to the wealthy. Education should be for those who genuinely want to learn and widen their horizon. Today I went to the student demonstration championing this message...

“Meet the best new artists in Britain”
(Photograph: Sophia Evans for the Observer, Bjørn in front of the image “The Salmon Farm”) I’m featured in an article by Imogen Carter for the Observer titled “Meet the best new artists...

Sex and Nazism in AR
In Augmented Reality sex is on the same level with Nazism, at least according to Lens-FitzGerald, Layar co-founder, (www.layar.com) who is quoted in the Sunday Times*, he says: “To be honest, I...

Digital is not Evil, Man is
In the Sunday Times Bryan Appleyard calls digital photography and photoshop the tools of the devil that destroys the art of photography and that God shoots film with a Leica. This is...

Art Photographer Bjørn Venø declared famous
I’m on the same famous list as Saints, Vikings, kings, bishops and war heroes from my home town Selje. A list that goes from year 0 up until today. If you can...

Group show at Nettie Horn Gallery
Showing the video “400 Year Legacy” the first instalment of the new body of work “Chapter IV” in the group show THE COLLECTIVE at Nettie Horn Gallery. 2 JULY – 8 AUGUST...

Living with Apple in “1984”
I came across this letter from Steve Jobs to Bob whilst surfing across the internet. The blogger who posted it presumed that it was addressed to Bob Mansfield, the senior Vice president...