Cultivated men angered by Performance
EDIT: 08 July 2013 The shop owners complained about this post, I was advised by the gallery to take it down, which I said I would do for the duration of the...

Britain’s Crisis of Masculinity
Diane Abbott MP held a lecture at Demos on Masculinity (read it here), below are some responses from the media, but what do you think? “On the whole, however, she was bent...

RCA 2011-12
Show Real of work I did in the last year at Royal College of Art Shows Performances, behind the scenes, various tests and clips of final products. Work: Texas Holtzwihr Pacific Ocean...

Rudin Prize
September 2012 I was nominated for the Rudin Prize alongside 4 other photographers, Eunice Adorno, Mauro D’Agati, Gabriela Nin Solis and Analia Saban. We are all showing a selection of work at...

Xenia Cheex Interview
At SHOW RCA 2012 I was lucky to be interviewed by the stunning Xenia Cheex for the Polish art magazine ‘Art Vamp’

Installation for SHOW RCA 2012
For my final work at Royal College of Art I produced a 4x5m billboard, one 10 min video and one 8 hour video that looked at ideas about the hero, failure and...

A workshop in how to be a fool
Bjørn Venø tells a Norwegian Fairy tale ‘Per, Pål og Espen Askelad’, talks about Paradigm Shift, the Natural and the Licensed Fool and Free association to make the point that the fools...

Performance for the association of the london colleges of the arts, at Old Vic Tunnels, MAY 2012 Taking inspiration from Norwegian folklore to look at contemporary issues. Filmed by JK