Every business and religion has a symbol and I thought it was time to create my own. A transparent 3 dimensional box seemed fitting. I believe there are manny different reed threads...
A view on art from the endearing artist Maestro Gaxiola. Plus my favourite supporting character the mysterious helper Bob. Gaxiola crates his own paradigm on how to view art and what is...
I have received many questions after publishing the video “Holy Artist” where I declared to have transcended our paradigm and obtained enlightenment. Let me now clarify, it is not a hoax. I...
(Googled Mini Monet, Photo: Albanpix) Mini Monet is an 8 year old artist / painter who earned £150,000 when he sold 33 pieces of work. For his age his work is exceptional,...
PART I What is an artist and what is art? If we were to answer that in full we would never get to the story. Suffice to say that artists them selves...
“Pornographic files. This includes, but is not limited to, files depicting genitalia, nudity, or sexual situations.” ImageShac (a hosting company for your twitter pictures) terms of use. This definition defines classic work...
Picture of a beautiful man turned ugly from the film Beastly which is a story about true beauty coming from within. I would like to point out one large problem, the ugly...
(googled Jester) We are talking about the licensed fool or the Jester. My answer would be the fool because he has the freedom to do what ever befalls him, he has no...
Education should NOT be limited to the wealthy. Education should be for those who genuinely want to learn and widen their horizon. Today I went to the student demonstration championing this message...
In Augmented Reality sex is on the same level with Nazism, at least according to Lens-FitzGerald, Layar co-founder, (www.layar.com) who is quoted in the Sunday Times*, he says: “To be honest, I...