Category: Thoughts

The spectacle of fire
A fire broke out across the road from our house today, disrupting the predictable flow of life and turning us in to spectators. What do we feel at times like these… fear,...

The male Gender is evil
“This is ABUSE” is an abusive website about relationship abuse, which I came across through this advert: dreamgirlfriend.co.uk Dream girlfriend makes a presumption that I will ask the girl something indecent, which...

Come lets brake out of this dystopia together
We have imagined countless future dystopias such as, humans turned in to batteries, governments monitoring our every move, super villains altering our reality, suppression of our emotions, the list goes on and...

A question for YOU!
What do you think is the most important function of art to day? Should it be a spectacle, a sensory experience, pleasing to the eye, push boundaries, widen peoples horizons or something...

The Female Gaze
There are women out there exploring how they look at men, Such as Erika Lust and Petra Joy who make porn for women and Britt Marie Trensmar a photographer with a keen...

Porn for Women
I’m curios about porn for women. I know it exists, but compared to porn made for men it is like my little toe in relation to my body. So small that it...

vYBA is the new YBA
(Leilah Poulain, 7 years old) Saatchi was the man behind the YBA, Young British Artist. Today they are no longer young so new frontiers must be discovered. vYBA, very Young British Artists...

Reed Thread
A pixel drawing I didd in 1998. Sharing it with you to illustrate my point in the previous post about a reed thread through our lives.