
Picture of a beautiful man turned ugly from the film Beastly which is a story about true beauty coming from within.

I would like to point out one large problem, the ugly version of the guy is not ugly, in fact physically I would say he is hot as hell. Don’t get me started on what he looked like before he was turned “ugly”

Is beauty something that ticks al the boxes, symmetrical, no blemishes etc? Fuck NO! Beauty can not be measured. Beauty is an interior experience of an exterior sensation.

Beauty catches you of guard and creates a feeling of beholding something that is elevated from your every day. This of corse is something subjective, however when we experience beauty we can make a presumption that other’s will have the same sensation.

Something that pleases the eye only fulfils a function, which can be to make you buy a product, stimulate a desire or create a feeling of order. This must not be confused with beauty, no mater if the difference may aper subtle.

Feel free to disagree