(googled Jester)
We are talking about the licensed fool or the Jester.
My answer would be the fool because he has the freedom to do what ever befalls him, he has no restraints or expectations that bind him. Whilst the Hero is our idol, and as we al know an idol must live by strict roles and preferably die at a young age before he can make a mess of his life. On the other hand the fool is someone who can continuously push boundaries, for he has nothing to lose.
The paradigm we live within encourages us to celebrate the success of the Hero and look down upon the fools failure. However if we stop to think about this for a moment, who do you learn the most from? I would say the fool, because failure stimulates learning whilst success breeds ignorance.
Lets turn our gaze at the idea of a hero as someone whom is defined by society or the existing paradigm. Hence he is the mascot for that time, for example a person who in an exemplary manner followed the code of Nazism in the 1940s would be a hero. Whilst to day he would be charged for war crimes. The fool on the other hand would come out on top (as long as he didn’t get killed in the process) because he always challenged the excepted view, even after it changed.
The idea of the Hero reflects the values of the time he is in, the fool is always uncompromisingly him self.
What about our own time, is their anyone who thinks we live in the pinnacle of human achievement? I hope not. However we are led to believe that such is the case and we are constantly tricked in to believing that material goods is the answer to our happiness and our heroes are products of capitalism, who further tempt us towards our personal prisons.
My answer to the worlds problems is not socialism, anarchism or any other ism’s rather I implore you to find your inner fool, and as long as he always fails he will continue to learn and develop. The minute he succeeds it will be the time to look for another saviour.
Indeed! The Fool has virtually unmitigated access to all domains, whereas the Hero only has one path: forward!