Education should NOT be limited to the wealthy.
Education should be for those who genuinely want to learn and widen their horizon.
Today I went to the student demonstration championing this message and warning against the astronomical tuition fee increase that is planed. The demonstration ended at Millbank where students started a fire in the square and broke in to the building which is the headcuarter for the Conservatives. The end for us was when someone threw a fire extinguisher from the roof top.
Was the violence and destruction wrong? In it self yes, however it showed how angry the students are, it had a feeling of “listen to us god dam it.” Which illustrates a void between the people and the government.
There are things that are wrong with education such as:
– Becoming an industry that pumps out as many students as possible.
– For some a place to bum about for a couple of years.
But increase in tution fees is not the solotion.
I wonder what is happening to the big bankers who messed up the economy in the first place? Are they facing any cut backs?
Let’s all become high flying bankers and cheat people out of their money. What is the point of studying ideas any way?