In Augmented Reality sex is on the same level with Nazism, at least according to Lens-FitzGerald, Layar co-founder, ( who is quoted in the Sunday Times*, he says: “To be honest, I haven’t seen anything really bad yet,” and “There are no Nazi layers and no sex layers. But we’re not naive, and we know it will happen one day. We have the technology in place for a take down procedure.”
Is it just me, in thinking that this is an insane thought process? How can one insinuate that sexual content is to be avoided as much as Nazism?
You might be asking what is augmented reality, well it is the new thing. Take your smart phone’s camera point it at your surroundings and you get a digital layer on top.
For example you could point your camera at a person, the camera would recognize said individual using face recognition and social network sites. Because you are using a Nazi app it also can see if the person is a Jew. If so you can tag the person with a David’s Star so that other Nazis with the same app would see the Jew stamp immediately and would be able to shot them with a virtual gun within augmented reality.
You could point your camera at your bed room and see the porn star Alexi Ford getting fucked on your bed. At least until the corporate company decides that it is “really bad” and initiates its take down procedure.
Do you think those two examples are on par with one and other? I do not. I agree that hate should not be allowed to flourish, hence anything with Nazism should be band. However I think sex which is one of the most beautiful things in this world should be allowed to blossom across all media.
However private companies are getting enough power too tell us what we should and should not watch. It is no longer the government that is our Big Brother. Yes I’m talking about Apple and their decision to ban Sex apps from the App store (click here for article on the ban).
Arguments against porn often say it degrades women and turns them in to objects. I would beg to differ, and ask is it not a celebration of the female body and are not the women who do porn the ones in control?.
Other arguments might be that one does not want to promote promiscuity. But on the other hand it seems to be OK to promote killing through action games and movies? I guess it all boils down to that our governments need soldiers more then they need lovers.
Presumably we will never be allowed to have a augmented reality Nazi or sex app in our modern society, but would we have a tag a terrorist app?
I think so.
* Mark Harris’s article “It’s Reality with digital knobs on” In the Ingear supplement of The Sunday Times August 22, 2010
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“I would beg to differ, and ask is it not a celebration of the female
body and are not the women who do porn the ones in control?.”
Quite a romantic opinion to think women control men via sex, but women only do porn to degrade themselves, like men do when they kill at war. It’s a natural process, it’s only to be in control with their inner repressed self. Women use porn to control themselves, to not become totally crazy. And men fuck them, like they do for ages. Women are not clever enough to control a clever man, they only do so with standard guys who need sex and a 15 tuna sandwiches to feel manly. I would do it too.