I’m talking to a girl… she asks me if I would go out dancing al
night… I say yes. Ah cool she replays. Then she asks if I’m going to Venice where
I replay that I have bean, I was the first group that went. I ask where she
goes out… five hours away she replays. Why travel so far? That is where my
boyfriend is.
The girl ends up on an outside bench with me and my farther.
I see a man who looks sort of gay getting strangely in to his car. I say to the
girl that I would like to take a picture of that scenario. I turn around to see
that my farther is taking the picture.
We are in my fathers house on Venøy. My farther is preparing
dinner. The girl is a bit confused on how my farther is making the dinner. He
has cut up the met, put it on a plate which is on a tray which again is on the
coking plate. I say it is to keep the met hot. My grandma comes in she is also
having dinner, she complains about her hips.
Dreamed 14.04.04