Come come I have beautiful pixels for sale. Buy some to day and experience an image that transcends beyond mere dots. By buying pixels you will help reveal what the above image is a picture of. Which is 1:400 scaled version of the original image. Not only that you will be a part of a Art project that you can directly influence. And last but not least you will help an artist to rise from the ashes and become a glorious and bright flower in a field of sublime beauty.
PXsnatch is a new Art project, where I sell pixels from a single image and when
everything is sold I ask my costumers if they would like to lend me
their pixels to recreate the image for a one off print that will be publicly displayed. The key element
is that when everything is sold the only version of the picture will
be the one scattered across the world.
This project raises a couple of questions, such as:
– How long will it take to sell 5440×3860 pixels?
– How many of the buyers will help put the picture back together again?
– How many will give me a altered images?
– What is it a picture of?
Check out the website
(600×600 pixels owned by me)