4:37 17 May (Norway’s independents day) Rochester, Kent.
I’ve just woken up from a dream, if I had lived 2000 years ago I would have said that an Angel came to me. Instead I shall say that my subconscious spoke to me.
It is summer I’m at home in England. But the place is Venøy Norway where I grew up. Two old friends come to visit and we discus how best to get drunk. I need to go and get some shoes. I walk to Margate where my Aunt lives. But the place is Oslo and it is winter. She lives on her own with her dog, but now she has three, one is very strange looking. She is disappointed that I don’t visit that often. I apologise and say I can not stay long.
I’m now at a hotel spa, I’m in a shower room with three boys, we talk about the assume bath, that I did not know about (I should have because I live here). I leave in my morning gown and wander in to the breakfast lounge. I meet a work colleague who has been off sick for a while with two other members of staff and some students. She seems happy and revived. We are on a student trip. They are of to see some art exhibitions. I agree to met up with them later. But first I need to find some clothes.
On my way back I walk in to a spa with some girls that are toples. My morning gown slips, my naked body is revealed for a moment. I’m embarrass and I leave.
I can not find my way back to the room. I see two elderly hotel employees from who I can ask directions.
As I’m about to leave a beautiful petite girl with brown curly hair throughs her self at me. She is naked. She manages to find a path past my beard to my mouth. My cock slides in to her without a condom. I’m concerned, but realise it is a dream so it is ok. We kiss passionately. A student watches us. He wants to touch her I tell him to ask her, at first she is ok about it, but she catches his gaze and tells him to go and that he disgusts her. I feel for the guy, but I’m not going to stop. She lets me shove my finger in to her anus. I can feel some bits inside her, but do not stop. I lay her on the back and thrust my self in to her fast and violently, she screams with delight.
She is gone. I her that she became a porn star and that she had a child. The child appears before me for a brief moment as a three year old.
The girl who fucked me placed a note with small writing on my key ring I am about to read it but I wake up.
When I doodle I draw three dimensional boxes. A society is like a box, it contains us and regulates our thoughts and behaviours. Our thoughts are not controlled by mind control but by the information that is available to us and acknowledges beliefs. To be able to live together we have excepted restraints on to our behaviours.
There is nothing wrong with this per say it creates a stable and secure society. However it can restrict our developments as human beings. Which I say is our reason for living. Hence I believe it is every individuals responsibility to at lest once in their life time to try and transcend beyond our box.
In the past, before globalization their were many small boxes. In such a world their is tension between the boxes, that can causes conflicts.
For us one box started to swallow all the rest, creating on unifying container. The problem with a big box is that it is harder to brake out of.
I do not dismiss one box, but I believe it should be translucent, that it only creates a universal guideline
and restrains from creating a Homogeneous society. Their should be room for smaller boxes within and outside of it.