We have imagined countless future dystopias such as, humans turned in to batteries, governments monitoring our every move, super villains altering our reality, suppression of our emotions, the list goes on and on, but it does not include the one we find our selves in to day. Yes we are living in a dystopia.
Did you not know?
That is the thing with dystopias most people are not aware of it. We are blissfully living our every day lives in ignorance of what we can be and if we are aware we don’t do anything about it, because we are content. In the end it boils down to the age old saying that ignorance is bliss. Which in turn leads me to Plato’s cave allegory, we have jet to emerge from the cave to see more than just shadows. Those of us who try to find the way out don’t get killed or locked away as would happen in fiction, no our fate is much worse and effective, we are ignored unless we commit an atrocity.
Am I the one to lead you out of the cave? I have a secret desire to be a saviour, to fulfil the potential of the holy artist, however I do not know the way, I don’t even know what is outside the cave, but I do dream, let me share one with you. Imagine a world where our minds are unified, not by technology but naturally connected. No single individual or group is able to dominate, instead knowledge is poled and our soles laid bare enabling use to express a united will. Humanity redefined. The grate fear in this idea is the loss of individuality, however there is no utopia, only another way of existing, one can but hope that the new is better than the old.
After reading this text, how manny do you think are going to say ‘yes I must do something more than recycling to change the world, I need to get together with the holy artist, do some crazy shit and see what happens’?
I say we live in a world where reflective words and art drown away in a ocean of useless information. Even rioting and demonstrations which used to shack the world, suffer the same fate, news papers such as The Guardian who try to look at the bigger picture barely get above water among all the other media outlets only looking at the violence and individual stories.
I challenge you to prove me wrong, that it is possible to inspire the world to change with words, art and peaceful action, so please express a desire to stare in to my eyes and see if our minds connect. We need to find a new way of thinking, only together can we do this.
The Guardian: ‘There is a context to London’s riots that can’t be ignored‘
The entertainment I’m referring to: The Matrix, 1984, the comic ‘Wanted‘ and Equilibrium