Porn for Women

I’m curios about porn for women. I know it exists, but compared to porn made for men it is like my little toe in relation to my body. So small that it is non existent and I would not rely notice if it went missing, so why is there so little porn made for women?

(googled “Porn for Women”)

I’ve seen people state that it is because women are not rely sex interested. Lets dismiss that straight away, we know that is not true.

More plausible is that women get of differently from men. But I don’t want to put my cards on that “theory”.

I’m inclined to believe that most women have excepted porn for men, and indulge in that.

As a man I think it is sad that the porn for women market is so small because it makes it more difficult for heterosexual men to become sex objects. The most straight forward option to be objectefied as a man might be to become a gay porn star.

Can one say, based on the above discussion, that men are more in to objectifying than women?

I think we can and this might be a essential clue to our question.

What do you think?

1 Comment on “Porn for Women

  1. women too objectify men, but they tend to get more involved with the fantasy take jhonny depp in the pirates of the Caribbean, women fantersize about him which in a sence is there porn after all all fantasies are porn in the way that porn is something you watching and want when u havent got or doing

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