Art Photographer Bjørn Venø declared famous

I’m on the same famous list as Saints, Vikings, kings, bishops and war heroes from my home town Selje. A list that goes from year 0 up until today.

If you can read Norwegian check out the list at NRK Sogn og Fjordane / Fylkesleksikon.

Being placed on this list is a very big complement. A big thank you to my home town and to the editor who included me on the list. If I’m truly worthy of a place only history can decide.

The most amusing entry on the list I found to be Maren Sørensdotter Friis (1610-1677) a priests wife who outlived three priests. After the third priest had died she wanted to wed the next priest to come to town, though by this time she was 60 and the new priest was 33 years old. When the new priest said no to marrying Maren, she set the church archives on fire. Destroying important historical documents. The priest who had said no, weed twice and had 28 children.

1 Comment on “Art Photographer Bjørn Venø declared famous

  1. 🙂
    I can imagine people in your town twisting their faces by this.
    Recognition is a sweet form of revenge, if not the only valid one. As it given by others, and earn by you. So undeniable and powerful.

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