(google image search: girl with red hair)
I’m at an outdoor concert; sitting on a field looking down on to a town that holds a stage, behind the stage is a 6 story flat. Maria Carry comes out in a silver dress and starts singing weird tunes. Suddenly she calls for the police because some kids in the flat next to the stage have shot a rope from their window down to the stage. She runs in to the 6-story building behind her and hides in the top flat. The kids jump down on to the stage. Two of the kids do a weird stunt where they use the rope in an impossible way to shoot them selves up in the air and back on to the stage with a parachute. One of them seems to have a severe accident, but survives.
The Kids turn up in-between the audience where I’m sitting. And start talking about their equipment. How it is the best hand glider in the world etc. A guy in a suit turns up taking pictures; I say he is a police scout, the kids say they know. I hide my head behind my cap.
I decide to leave. On the way I recognize a girl from a school I went to 10 years ago, I had a secret crush on her. She is walking with her girlfriend who has the same reed hair. I say hi, and the girlfriend knows of me, she wonders how old I am. Presuming I’m younger. I say I’m 79